XR communities list

An overview of available communities in The Netherlands, either focusing on XR, or with strong links to XR, for education and research. There’s communities active on several levels, national, as well as regional or sectoral, plus international.

Do you have an addition or changes? Please reply to this topic and we’ll add it to the list!


  • Special Interest Group (SIG) on Virtuality

    :netherlands: Wil je op de hoogte blijven van initiatieven rond serious gaming, simulaties en virtuele werelden? Dan is dit de juiste plek! Kijk bijvoorbeeld op ons YT kanaal @sigvirtuality

  • Netwerk Digitale Simulaties

    :netherlands: Deze LinkedIn groep is voor en door leden van het Netwerk Digitale Simulaties maar staat ook open voor een ieder die iets met Digitale Simulaties doet. In principe zijn alleen leden van het Netwerk lid van deze groep. Leden van het Netwerk kunnen wel collega’s aandragen. De groep is dus alleen bedoeld voor Digitale Simulatie experts binnen het bredere veiligheidsdomein, de wetenschap en de kennisinstituten en voor de Digitale Simulaties industrie. Doelstelling is om (makkelijker) informatie over Simulaties op het gebied van opleiden, trainen en oefenen maar ook preparatie en operatie te delen. Voor meer info en aanmelden, kijk op: https://www.otopia.eu/netwerk-digitale-simulaties-nds.

  • Werkgroep Digitaal onderwijs in praktijkvaardigheden en bijbehorende community Praktijkvaardigheden leren met technologie

    :netherlands: Deze community is opgericht door de werkgroep Digitaal Onderwijs in Praktijkvaardigheden (DOiP) van het Versnellingsplan. De werkgroep bestaat sinds 2020 en is opgericht toen tijdens de pandemie het vraagstuk naar voren kwam hoe digitaal praktijkvaardigheidsonderwijs gerealiseerd moest worden. Deel je ervaring of praat met ons mee op LinkedIn!



  • Netwerk XR

    Virtual reality, augmented reality en mixed reality lijken allemaal hetzelfde te zijn als je het zo hoort maar toch is er wel verschil. Als overeenkomst kun je stellen dat ze proberen je iets te laten zien wat er eigenlijk niet is en de manier waarop is verschillend. In het mbo-onderwijs wordt al gebruik gemaakt van eXtended Reality (XR), wat de verzamelnaam is voor de verschillende technologieën. Om kennis en ervaringen uit te wisselen en elkaar te inspireren kwam uit een aantal instellingen de vraag of saMBO-ICT hierin kon assisteren wat geleid heeft tot het netwerk eXtended Reality afgekort tot Netwerk XR. Het doel van het netwerk is om kennis en ervaringen maar ook toepassingen met elkaar te delen. Elkaar te inspireren maar misschien ook samen te inventariseren welke leermiddelen of content er beschikbaar zijn voor en in het mbo op het gebied van XR.


  • Delft - Virtual Playground, Delft University of Technology

    Find support, learn from experts and share your projects with the world. Support from XR enthusiasts, insights from leading experts, easy navigation in XR world.

  • Enschede - Learning Community Immersive Technologies & Storytelling, Saxion XR Lab

    We foster collaboration within our learning community by connecting professionals, enthusiasts, students, and teachers via events, projects & Research.

  • Groningen - XR Hub, University of Groningen

    The XR Hub at the University of Groningen was launched in 2016 to share knowledge in the field of Extended Reality (XR). Extended reality (XR) is the umbrella term for augmented reality (AR), mixed reality (MR), virtual reality (VR) and 3D.

  • Leiden - Leiden XR, Leiden University

    Leiden XR is a team that aims to facilitate communication between various people who work with or create XR content. Sharing experiences and resources is a great way to improve our collective work. Anyone using or creating XR for research, educational purposes, or related is welcome to join. In addition, there is a wiki to which contributions can be made in the MS Teams environment.

  • Nijmegen - SIG eXtended Reality, Radboud University

    eXtended Reality (XR) includes Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality and 360-degree videos. The members of this Special Interest Group (SIG) reflect on and share knowledge with each other about how these innovations can be used in education.

  • Rotterdam - Virtual and Augmented Reality - Erasmus Centre for Data Analytics, Erasmus University

    The expert practice Virtual and Augmented Reality aims to bring together academic researchers from different disciplines (e.g., marketing, economics, operations and technology management, psychologists, and health care) and experts from practice (e.g., managers, psychologists) to jointly research the potential and effects these immersive technologies have on business, consumers, health care, and education. Our objective is to advance academic knowledge on immersive technologies and provide interested parties with the newest insights to make the best-informed decisions on where and how to use VR and AR in their daily activities in order to increase their performance.

  • Utrecht - Game Research Special Interest Group: Multisensory Mixed Reality Games, Utrecht University

    The aim of this SIG is to bring together different groups of researchers, e.g. from behavioural science (human, animal), informatics, game technology, machine learning, etc. to foster and push research on multisensory mixed reality games in areas such as human behavior understanding and training. We will include our societal partners as much as possible, at different phases in the projects.

  • Utrecht - SIG Augmented and Virtual Reality, Utrecht University

    Within Utrecht University various educators and researchers at different faculties are experimenting with the use of AR and/or VR in their teaching and researching their affordances for education. As such, the SIG AR/VR at Utrecht University aims to become a platform for sharing educational and research experiences and synergies, and spark new pedagogical uses and research projects.


  • Dutch Community XR for Surgery (details tbd)


  • EuroXR - The European Association for Extended Reality

    EuroXR is an international non-profit association which provides a network for all those interested in eXtended Reality (XR) to meet, discuss and promote all topics related to VR/AR/MR technologies.

  • Media & Learning Association

    The Media & Learning Association brings together a community of individuals and organisations keen to maximise the benefits of media for learning at all levels of formal and informal education and training.

    We exchange news, best practices and resources on topics related to our Special Interest Groups and send out a monthly newsletter to our 10K+ subscribers. Media & Learning runs online and face-to-face conferences, webinars and workshops, and organises the annual MEDEA Awards. We are active in several collaborative European projects.

  • XR ERA - Extended Reality for Education and Research in Academia

    XR ERA brings people from education, research, and industry together to share XR knowledge and foster community development. XR ERA is run by the Leiden Learning & Innovation Centre, Leiden University.

    XR ERA hosts organizes monthly meetings, hosts a Teams environment, publishes a monthly newsletter and provides a wiki for sharing experiences and resources on everything XR.

  • XR4Europe - The European network of XR professionals

    XR4Europe is a pan-European association that seeks to federate all the XR professionals, organisations, and initiatives to support industry development and to promote XR innovation and creativity in Europe.

    XR4Europe builds upon the H2020 project XR4ALL.


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