Shaping The Future: Developing Principles for Policy Recommendations for Responsible Innovation in Virtual Worlds (11 may 2024, Hawaii)

As Extended Reality (XR) technologies continue to evolve at a rapid pace, they hold the promise of transforming the way we interact with digital information and the physical world.

At present, there is little policy documentation that directly addresses the novel affordances posed by XR technologies. Having clear and effective policy frameworks prior to the widespread adoption of a technology encourages and enables responsible and ethical innovation of XR technologies.

This workshop is therefore dedicated to developing forward-thinking policy recommendations that address potential future vulnerabilities posed by the widespread adoption of XR technologies, whilst simultaneously encouraging the responsible innovation of new advancements within XR.

To ensure these policy recommendations promote responsible innovation, the workshop will assemble multidisciplinary academics, industry developers and international policymakers. Our goal is to ensure that all perspectives are considered such that we are able to collaboratively chart a responsible and sustainable course for the XR landscape together.

Blimey, Hawai…

Deadline for a 2-page position paper already this sunday 3 march (see

This one-day workshop is part of CHI 2024, which is from 11-16 may 2024.