Rijksmuseum providing immersive experience on-site with Apple Vision Pro?

We emptied the Gallery of Honour and while the paintings rest safely in storage, you can engage with them like never before using Virtual Reality glasses. Have a chat with Vermeer’s Milkmaid, shake hands with Rembrandt’s Night Watch, and feel the cold, icy wind in Avercamp’s Winter Landscape, and much more!

Not many details provided, though. The image shows people wearing AVPs…

Edit: April Fools…

Shame it’s April Fool’s.

Maybe an April Fools joke?

They had a VR experience while some paintings were being restaurated:
Rijksmuseum | Nachtwacht & Eregalerij in 360​ - VR Owl

Darn it! That’s what you get when someone (@j.walker) forwards this the day after April Fools :joy: