IEEE S&P special issue on Security and Privacy in the Metaverse

Security and Privacy in the Metaverse

This special issue of IEEE Security & Privacy explores current and future security, privacy, and safety challenges that will arise with the increasingly widespread adoption of augmented, mixed, and virtual reality technologies. Enjoy the issue!

  • Guest Editors’ Introduction—Security and Privacy in the Metaverse, Franziska Roesner and Tadayoshi Kohno
  • Augmenting Security and Privacy in the Virtual Realm: An Analysis of Extended Reality Devices - Derin Cayir, Abbas Acar, Riccardo Lazzeretti, Marco Angelini, Mauro Conti, and Selcuk Uluagac
  • Truth in Motion: The Unprecedented Risks and Opportunities of Extended Reality Motion Data - Vivek Nair, Louis Rosenberg, James F. O’Brien, and Dawn Song
  • Securing Bystander Privacy in Mixed Reality While Protecting the User Experience - Matthew Corbett, Brendan David-John, Jiacheng Shang, Y. Charlie Hu, and Bo Ji
  • Shockvertising, Malware, and a Lack of Accountability: Exploring Consumer Risks of Virtual Reality
    Advertisements and Marketing Experiences - Abraham Mhaidli, Shwetha Rajaram, Selin Fidan, Gina Herakovic, and Florian Schaub
  • Understanding Privacy in Virtual Reality Classrooms: A Contextual Integrity Perspective - Karoline Brehm and Yan Shvartzshnaider
  • A Viewpoint on the Societal Impact of Everyday Augmented Reality and the Need for Perceptual Human Rights - Joseph O’Hagan, Jan Gugenheimer, Florian Mathis, Jolie Bonner, Richard Jones, and Mark McGill

Some of the articles are freely readable, some are not.