Free XR masterclasses in the run-up to the Reality Check Festival (8, 12, 13, 14 march 2024)

In celebration of the third edition of the Reality Check Festival, Saxion XR Lab is offering free masterclasses for anyone interested in the topics. The masterclasses are open to students (from MBO, HBO, or university), professionals, or enthusiasts with some background in the topic.

Note that the masterclasses are happening before the Reality Check Festival and are located at the Saxion XR Lab

  • Synthetic 3D data generation for AI development, Lars Dorenvanck (8 march)
  • Sculpting, Rogier Samuels (12 march)
  • Optimizing Content Creation with Automation and AI in Game Engines and 3D Rendering Software, Marco Nieuwenhuis (13 march)
  • VR development in Unity: Preparation, Prototyping, Testing, and Delivery, Arjèn de Aldrey (14 march)
  • Storytelling and the creative process: From Idea to Realization, Douwe van der Werf (tba)

Note that capacity for the workshops is limited!