EC call for consultancy on Virtual World and the transition to Web 4.0 (closes 18 march 2024)

Always hard to really dissect these types of EC calls, but interesting to see such activities on “metaverse”, “web 4.0”, etc.

The European Commission launched a call for tenders for a pilot [that] aims to inform EU policy makers and stakeholders of the challenges and governance needs arising from the development of cutting-edge virtual world and web 4.0 technologies, as well as fostering a discussion on global governance with policy makers, civil society, private companies and the technical community.

This process will aim to address:

1.the virtual world’s internet standardisation institutional requirements;
2. the eventual technical management needs emerging from such standardisation;
3. the inclusive policy debates required for a proper values-driven global transition to web 4.0.

The tender lists a budget of 800kE, and it seems mostly aimed at buying consultancy to do this pilot project.

From the tender specification linked here:

In this light, this pilot project will:

i) Asses the main developments in internet technologies and blockchain that are relevant for Web 4.0 and virtual worlds that will interlink with the development of an open and robust global governance. This includes for example addressing both the transversal issues such as standardisation and interoperability and the essential components underpinning the function of virtual worlds such as right management, economic transactions, and identity management.

ii) Prepare an informed a concrete global debate on the different aspects of the global governance of Virtual Worlds and Web 4.0, aiming to facilitate the establishment of open and robust multi-stakeholder institutions in this field. It will involve exploring the necessities and best practices of the global governance arising from the implementation of Virtual world and Web 4.0.

In progressing towards these objectives, this project will facilitate communication and discussion between academia, policy makers, the private sector, the technical community and other stakeholders to build a strong and competitive ecosystem toward an open, decentralised, trustworthy and values-driven Virtual Worlds and Web 4.0 that reflects fundamental rights.

Curious to see blockchain listed so explicitly…