CWI SocialXR Spring School (4-8 march 2024)

The aim of this spring school is to learn about Social XR, as a new medium for communication and collaboration following an interdisciplinary approach, and welcoming students from technology, social sciences, and humanities. In particular, the school will target the following areas:

  • 3D Capturing and Modeling realistic avatars, and their behavior in the virtual world;
  • Coding, transmission and distribution of volumetric video content, and their optimisation for increasing the QoE;
  • Ethics by design, for the development of responsible Social XR experiences;
  • Rendering and interaction, including the development of new immersive and multi-sensory experiences;
  • Human factors and evaluation, including the assessment and evaluation of experiences and QoE modeling and prediction; and
  • Research context, providing insights of a research lab, DIS.

An addition: the morning lectures on 5 and 6 March are open to everyone without registering and will be held in the Turing Room at CWI.

See this linkedin post from Pablo Cesar (CWI). The program can be found here